Our big birthday is comming up this Saturday !
Yes "Our" : I do have an identical twin sister...
Our lives are so different now but we remain as close as ever. We still speak "twins" or "Steno" : You know, the finishing up each other sentences or having whole conversations without actually using any nouns, adverbs or adjectives with a mixte of English and French ? Drives her husband crazy and makes her kids go nuts ! Got to love it !!
We always had very different personalities : she would look back and observe and I'd jump right in without a flinch... wich got me into a whole lot of trouble and kept her under close watch since we look so alike. Sooooo sorry about that ! She's the thinker, the romantic, the motivator, the dependant and idealist, wich got her a husband, 2 kids and a carreer. I, on the other hand, am a musician in every sense of the word ...
I think my sister and I deliberately developed different personalities so as not to be continually compared. When you are treated like a buy-one-get-one-free pack of goodies, you need your own territory.
And people wonder how two people so alike can be so different !