This blog will soon be taking a different turn. No, I am not changing the template... Rather, I am going on tour. An extended one. Tired of living the double life of day job / music playing, I've decided to take the plunge and embark on the cruise ship musician journey. Some would call it La-La land for wanabes. I'd rather call it Candyland for musicians : getting paid very well to play 3 hours a day of cheesy music and seeing the world for free. Oh ! and 50 cents beer. What more could I ask for ?
As last minute details are being worked on, I am finding myself at a lost on to what to bring with me on the ship. I know I'll be gone for at least 6 months and will go through the 4 seasons. I can also only bring 1 suitcase with me. I've never been a good packer and I find myself wanting to bring more momentos than actual clothes. So far, the only things ready are my MP3 and the digital picture frame... not good. More important things always seem to come up : watching Grey's , playing Mah Jong or reading my horoscope... I seem to have the attention spam of a 5 years old when it comes to packing.
I know I'll be bringing a laptop (free unlimited wifi connection on board !!!), my camera, my MP3, my trumpets (duh !) and a digital picture frame. I've also started a list of DVD's I'll be bringing and I've enrolled in 2 online classes and an intensive gym program to keep busy. But that won't get me very far. I definitely need help.
Any suggestions ??
* For the ones wondering ; the alcool part had already been covered as beer on board is 50 cents and hard liquor and wine, $1.25...