So many things happened !!
- Many, many concerts
- Many, many rehearsals
- THE flu
- And Nico's visit !!!!
Nico's visit left me a bit bitter sweet. It reminded me how much I miss him. Don't know why... We used to have so much fun together ! And then life happened. He moved to France, then England and travelled the globe, while the lives of us, mere mortals, stayed the same.
I call him Mr. International: he always seems to be in-between flights or preparing for a trip. And while I'm at it, I don't think any of us know for sure what he's really working on. We hear about exploding machines but that's just a rumor... Oh ! Maybe he's a spy !! ;)
But a bunch of us seem to have left a permanent mark on him and we've been lucky enough to see him every six months or so since his big move.

We were stopped by 2 photographers on our way to visit Parliament Hill and were asked to be models for the new Winter Tourism brochure. Yep, if you ever happen to come across some brochures about Winter Tourism in Canada with pictures of 2 weirdos looking at each other and laughing their pants off, as if Parliament Hill was the funniest thing on hearth ? That or 2 drunks in front of an faux-old monument... That's us !!
We also went skating on the Rideau Canal and managed to skate for 7 km. And armed my new kick ass skates, I didn't even get one foot cramp ! I also discovered that while my skates made me look taller, so did Nico's...
I know; I'm cheating. But not that much. Nico was at least 7'' tall with those skates while I got up to a whooping 5'5...
We also discovered that freezing temperatures and bars ? Not so hot. We went out on his first night in town: there were a total of 4 costumers while that place usually has a huge lineup. We did a bit better on the second night: 15 costumers !! At least the drinks were cheap...
On our last excursion, we came across this shirt:

I am sooo getting them for our birthdays ! I know we are getting a bit old for that kind of thing but hey ! you only live once...