3 of us desperately sat in a bar on February 14th 2007, on a very bad snow storm evening, watching 2 friends play in a band, while bitching about the lack of men in our lives. All 3 of us where desperate...
During a break, one of our friend from the band, Pat, came and chatted with us. In an attempt to boost our morale, he proclamed that from what we knew, in a year, we'd all have a man in our life and we'd all be talking about houses and babies.
Where are we, 2 1/2 years later?
One found the man, got the house and is currently trying for baby # 2.
One found the man (well, got her man back...), got the house and is due to deliver her first baby in about 8 weeks.
One got the man, got the house and is planning on starting a familly real soon.
I guess Pat wasn't that far from reality after all.
Funny how life works, isn't it ?