dimanche 22 novembre 2009
Le blog est maintenant en français !
Vraiment ?!
Pourquoi ? Et bien, pourquoi pas...
dimanche 15 novembre 2009
mercredi 4 novembre 2009
Bob, in the doorway with his coat still on:
'' Wooooooo ! Your belly is so huge that your boobs look tiny tiny !!!! ''
I'm actually a 36H. The belly IS getting out of proportion.
You might be comfortable in there little baby but I'll have to kick you out soon ...
lundi 2 novembre 2009
The waiting game...
Yup; still pregnant !
My OB actually compared my cervix with a house ready for a hurricane: that plywood plank is so well nailed, it won't go anywhere... We know one thing for sure: if nothing happens before then, I'll be induced on Novembre 20th. Which means we've got at most 18 days to go. Almost there !!
My OB actually compared my cervix with a house ready for a hurricane: that plywood plank is so well nailed, it won't go anywhere... We know one thing for sure: if nothing happens before then, I'll be induced on Novembre 20th. Which means we've got at most 18 days to go. Almost there !!
I am also officially on leave ! For the ones not familliar with our system over here: we are lucky enought to get 18 weeks of paid maternity leave, followed by 34 weeks of paid parental leave (that can actually be split between the 2 parents. We won't go that route). That means I'll get 52 weeks of paid leave to be with the baby !!!!!! Bob will also get a week off, paid by his employer, when the baby arrives and will then get 5 weeks of paid paternity leave... How awesome is that ?!
We are also the mean ones that requested to our friends and familly, to get absolutely no hospital visits. No phone calls will be transfered to our room neither. No phone updates will be provided by the nursing station (they have plenty of work to do and are not our personnal secretaries...). We will call everybody once the baby has arrived. And we promised to do it in a very timely maner. No flower delivery (if they really want to spend that kind of money, they can buy toys for the baby instead of spending loads of money on something that'll be thrown in the garbage after 72 hours...) I know, we are mean. Our point is: we want to get to know the baby on our own schedule and I want to be able to rest and heal and whine if I feel like it, without having 20 people in the room as witnesses. The baby will, hopefully, be there for the next 80 years. They can wait a week before visiting. In exchange, we will send them pictures as soon as we get back home...
What else ? Well, the baby's room has been ready for a few weeks now. For some reason, I never got around of posting the pics... What do you think ?
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