That's it. I can't deny it anymore : I have to loose weight. For myself. And for my job...
See, one of my many jobs requires to be fit ; something I haven't been for a very long time. I've been giving myself and the people around me loads of very good and very lame excuses for my curent weight but the thruth is : I had just given up.
I've been working hard on learning to know myself again for the past 2 years : I left a very violent and abusive relationship and moved back to a safe place, surrounded by friends and familly. But I've also surrounded myself with comfort food...
It did take a long time heal, emotionally and physically. I had to re-learn my likes and dislikes, what I stand for... and I am still learning ! But I have finally gained back my self-love and self-respect and can finally say that I am not OK with my body.
Since I always had a hate/love relationship with food, I decided to meet with a nutritionist to discuss a plan of action. Not fun. That getting on the balance thing and seing your real weight ? Nobody should be allowed to do so while sober. Seing that number writen on a piece of paper ? That's when I started to cry. But in the end, I left the office quite confident that I would reach my goal. I was given a quite resonable plan that will require some sacrifice (Buh-bye comfort food !) but will give me some options : I now have the choice between that weekly drink with friends or that tiny piece of chocolate... You already know the answer to that one !!
Wish me luck !!
Still reading ??
So. That plan of action ?
First thing first : Getting rid of all candies or sugary things. I'm getting rid of the stash tonight.
Calendar : 12 weeks
Weight lost goal : 42 pounds or 3.5 pounds/week (hum... I'm kinda aiming for 52 but lets keep that a secret...)
Fitness regiment 4 days / week :
Push-ups (army style), sit-ups and at-home elyptical machine.
Taking stairs instead of elevator and walk in the evening.
Food / liquid intake (for the first 2 weeks) :
Drinking 8 full glasses of watered down, unsweetened cranberry juice.
Lemon juice in hot water instead of coffee.
Breakfast : 1 egg, 2 servings of fruits
Snack : 1 serving of fruit (no banana allowed...)
Lunch : Slim fast shake (chocolate flavored not allowed... really not fair !)
Snack : Cottage cheese with unsalted crakers
Diner : Lean fish or meat, 2 servings of non-starch vegetables
Snack : 1 serving of fruit (no banana allowed...)
And down we go... Wish me luck !!
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