Today, December 1st, is the World AIDS day... What are you doing to help ?
I was first introduced to AIDS by mother in 7th grade. I was having a hard time picking a subject for an essay about social education when my mom suggested a book writen by Elizabeth Glaser about AIDS, her life as a wife and a mother and as a women in the public eye. A very powerful story about her familly.
After the first chapter, I was hooked : the militant in me wanted to scream and the little girl I was was confused... I was mad about the lack of education and the lack of information. I was also scared for the very same reasons. I spent weeks searching through scientific magazines, newspaper, the internet, libraries. My brain needed to gain knowledge as much as possible on the subject. My discovery ? Not much was being done on the subject at the time. A gigantic realisation for a 7th grader...
And I haven't chaged my mind on the subject : not nearly enough is being done on that matter.
Elizabeth Glaser lost her battle against AIDS on December 3rd, 1994 ; 13 years after having contrated the disease.
I have worn a red ribbon ever since reading her book. It might not always be seen but can always be found on me. I've also made my best to make donations to her foundation and others and participated in many walks to support local AIDS organisations.
How about you ?
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