mardi 30 janvier 2007
Not aging well...
Why was the trumpet player drunk for a hole week ?
'Cause she found a grey hair in her left brow.
Back to regular posting once she finds some tylenol... and some brow dye.
vendredi 26 janvier 2007
Photo Friday...
Lets all clap our hands !!!
Photo Friday is back ! With a real theme !!
This week's pick : What makes your body unique.

My breasts.
They're now deformed, not that pretty and full of tick scars. But they're my breasts and I am darn proud of them.
Photo Friday is back ! With a real theme !!
This week's pick : What makes your body unique.

My breasts.
They're now deformed, not that pretty and full of tick scars. But they're my breasts and I am darn proud of them.
How about you : What makes your body unique ?
jeudi 25 janvier 2007
Help wanted...

I've been feeling quite overwhelmed lately. For the first time in my life, I have to make a decision. Career wise. At age 30, I finally get to answer that simple question : "What would you like to do when you grow up ? ". And the scariest thing is : I have no idea.
See, I was never asked, growing up, what I would like to do. They all assumed I would follow the same path the vast majority of the women in the family did : I would attend the conservatory of music and become a musician. And I did just that. I willingly played their game. But they had a vision for me : I would become a serene and discreet harpsichord player. I became instead a quirky and sometimes unruly trumpet player.
Their game ; My rules.
The music industry can be a harsh place and making ends meet is sometimes (ahem... most of the time) rather difficult so I've always had a day job as well while playing at night and over the weekends. I am still very positive about the music part. It is the day gig that's been bothering me for a while. I've been lucky so far. No matter where I lived, I've always found jobs in colleges or universities : jobs that pay very well but require little from my brain. Some people might find those jobs overwhelming and stressful but I've always been a lightning fast learner and not much will make me loose my sleep...
My point is ? I'm getting bored. To tears. It is definitely time for me to find a more permanent "day" career. Something that'll challenge my brains and something I'll be proud of. But what ? I resolutely need to work with people, work in a creative field and accomplish things. Anything.
I've taken many personality tests lately (no, not the ones on the Internet, thank-you-very-much but the serious ones. With real live people...) and seen a career counsellor. The results ? I am an artist that strives for challenges and may get bored easily. Duh ... Really ? Noting new came up and I am feeling quite lost. I am positive about the fact that I cannot go back to school (unless I finally find that multi-billionaire 92 years old man on his deathbed, wanting noting more than give me millions of dollars just for smiling...) I am also positive about the fact that I cannot work 9 to 5 in a cube any longer.
Any idea ? Please ??
vendredi 12 janvier 2007
Public announcement

I've never had my heart broken. Ever. And believe me ; I've went out or slept with way more people than I am willing to admit. But I am generally attracted to weirdos ... Crude and rude men... Artists with a very bad boy vibe... That definitely fulfill my needs for adventure and my needs to "save". But after a couple of weeks (or months, ahem...) I usually get my good senses back and run far, far away from them.
I was recently discussing the state of my love life with a good friend when he came to an abrupt conclusion : I will not find a truly good guy and settle until I get my heart broken. I've been cursed.
Will somebody please volunteer to be my boyfriend for the next couple of weeks and dump me ?
That might do the trick !
Please ??
jeudi 11 janvier 2007
It's National de-lurking week !

Like the button ?
Well, I got it through Shelli, who linked to Paper Napkin, who got it from Jen ... Got it ?
I (almost) know who you are... but I'd like to know more dammit !!
Please say HI...
*** Update...
Come on people ; I get an average of 150 hits a day... You can definitely do better than this !!!
mercredi 3 janvier 2007
You don't know me...
I've been tagged by the lovely KaraMia ; I am now supposed to tell you 5 things you don't know about me...
Ready ? Not sure I am !!
1. I've always been more excited to go see my father so his wife would be pissed off than actually seeing the man himself... My father had full custody of us kids and remarried when I was 13. His new wife always made sure to let us know that we were not welcomed in her life and we couldn't move away from home fast enough for her. That happened at age 17 ; she then made sure every single trace of our existences were removed from the house by trowing away every souvenirs and pictures of us. And my father let her do so. To this day, the only pictures of us are hidden in his locked office. And no, my father is not somebody I respect very much... He's got a long road ahead of him.
2. I'm a moveaholic... I've moved 42 times so far and will move a couple more. I can't seem to settle. I've tried moving furniture around and repainting but nothing will do ; I get antsy, stressed and need to get out. The funny thing is, even though I change cities, I always end up doing the exact same job...
3. I'm addicted to chick lit... Lately, it's been mostly Madeleine Wickham or under her pen name, Sophie Kinsella. I've read every single one of her books and can't wait for the new one to come out in February !
4. I am definitely not color coordinated. I've been known to wear questionable sets... I am now sticking to a color palette and am not allowed to shop alone.
5. I broke my tail bone while sliding. Not fun. I had to go back up the hill and walk a few miles to get to the doctors office. I then spent 2 months carrying a pillow ; doesn't look that bad but carrying a butt pillow on stage in front of 2,000 people ? Yeah... that funny.
Hum... Who should I tagg now...
NetChick ,Diane Mandy and Calliope !!
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