I've been feeling quite overwhelmed lately. For the first time in my life, I have to make a decision. Career wise. At age 30, I finally get to answer that simple question : "What would you like to do when you grow up ? ". And the scariest thing is : I have no idea.
See, I was never asked, growing up, what I would like to do. They all assumed I would follow the same path the vast majority of the women in the family did : I would attend the conservatory of music and become a musician. And I did just that. I willingly played their game. But they had a vision for me : I would become a serene and discreet harpsichord player. I became instead a quirky and sometimes unruly trumpet player.
Their game ; My rules.
The music industry can be a harsh place and making ends meet is sometimes (ahem... most of the time) rather difficult so I've always had a day job as well while playing at night and over the weekends. I am still very positive about the music part. It is the day gig that's been bothering me for a while. I've been lucky so far. No matter where I lived, I've always found jobs in colleges or universities : jobs that pay very well but require little from my brain. Some people might find those jobs overwhelming and stressful but I've always been a lightning fast learner and not much will make me loose my sleep...
My point is ? I'm getting bored. To tears. It is definitely time for me to find a more permanent "day" career. Something that'll challenge my brains and something I'll be proud of. But what ? I resolutely need to work with people, work in a creative field and accomplish things. Anything.
I've taken many personality tests lately (no, not the ones on the Internet, thank-you-very-much but the serious ones. With real live people...) and seen a career counsellor. The results ? I am an artist that strives for challenges and may get bored easily. Duh ... Really ? Noting new came up and I am feeling quite lost. I am positive about the fact that I cannot go back to school (unless I finally find that multi-billionaire 92 years old man on his deathbed, wanting noting more than give me millions of dollars just for smiling...) I am also positive about the fact that I cannot work 9 to 5 in a cube any longer.
Any idea ? Please ??
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