mercredi 21 février 2007

Because I said so...

Random rambling:

** I had been feeling crappy and grumpy and craving weird things like tapioca and salt and vinegar chips for the last week or so and just found out why : turns out I was ovulating (I know some of you will be very pleased to know...). I hadn't done so, on my own and whitout any medical help, in many many years and had forgotten how it felt. How the hell do you gals do it every month ??

** I had the weirdest dream last night : I was competing in some kind of music contest to win a customized Louis Vuton bag. The competition was set in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere in Congo. I got bored after a while and decided to leave by taking the stairs down. On the sixth floor, I realized the staircase wasn't safe. I managed to open the big door in front of me and ended up on a beach. I then got pissed because I was wearing a huge wool sweater. I walked up a street and ended up at a drugstore that sold bathingsuit. Turns out there was one on hold for me ! But the ugly lady refused to give it to me until I ate all the candies in the store. I left, screaming. Walking toward the beach, I ended up on the ski slopes in Lake Placid, all the while gigantic speakers kept repeating: I told you so. I told you so. I told you so.

What the heck was that all about ??

** I took a cab on my way to work on Monday. After a few stops to drop my nephews and my sister, the driver started a non-sense speach about how people who are not white-MALE-from Quebec-with-2.5 kids-and a white picket fence- are worth shit. I then managed to tell him that since I was a FEMALE -definitely not born in Quebec-with no kids, I couldn't relate to what he was saying. He kept for himself for the remaining of the trip. Morron.


How's your week going so far ??

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