My twin sister and I had one constant thing growing up. No, definitely not the undying love of our parents but rather, the school janitor. No matter what part of the country we lived in, sooner or later, the same man always seemed to appear. Dubbed "the Wabush spy", we even created some stories about his life and his mission. We never actually spoke to him ; he always kept his distance and so did we. The Wabush Spy made apparitions in our lives from kindergarten through the end of high school. He even showed up in College.
What brought me to the subject ? After almost 10 years of absence, the Wabush spy made an apparition over the weekend in my hospital room. Sweeping the floors.
I am seriously in need of a drink. Or 2.
This is a fascinating post! Is this a "real" person? Hard to tell from what you have said...and then again, what you have not said....
RépondreEffacerMORE, Please....
Here from Michele today...And I am fascinated!
Maybe he'll show up on the cruise ship! I hope you will be blogging from your cruise.
RépondreEffacerSounds portentious! And intriguing!
RépondreEffacerI hope you feel better soon. Just read your last post adn it sounds awful!
Michele sent me to see you as part of her blog of the day comment cheer game. Hi!