My mom is still keeping an eye on the construction progress of her new place... The reception area is done and there's even furniture in ! Looking quite fancy so far.
Heard over the last few weeks:
- Doing a toast : "Up yours !!"
- Talking about a new desk: "They finally installed my new intimacy panel !"
- About Christmas decorations: "I love my balls !!"
- Talking about a chipped tooth: "My thong hurts now !"
- About the stock boy: "Where's my stalker ?"
- Looking at documents: "We need to run a queer hey !"
- About the big crowd outside the office: "I'll just whack them off with my thing!"
- While eating chicken: "This cock is delicious !!"
How about you; any quotes that were lost in translation ?
THE shoes.
I swear I've been really good this year !!
Being my funny self, I wrote down: Surprise, Edible Surprise, Drinkable Surprise.
Yeah... Some perverted coworkers couldn't help but notice the Edible one...
Chilling out after a rehearsal... Christa and her train !
I just love the face on that guy beside her; he looks totally scared of those wagons !!