Totally following the trend here:
I am...
- Definitely not a romantic
- Easily amused by very childish things
- Addicted to tattoos, peppermint latte triple shot espresso and anything with chocolate
- Very lazy when it comes to do the dishes
I want...
- A whole lot more money
- To take a year off and travel around the world
- To finally accept that I am overweight and do something about it
- Boobs without any scars
I have...
- Amazing friends
- A somewhat normal family
- The ability to learn anything very quickly
- A quirky sense of humour
I hate...
- Violence, racism, judgemental people, smoochy couples, lineups and green peas
- That I am so critical of myself
- Being touched by strangers
I fear...
- Of never meeting "The One"
- Of meeting the wrong one over and over again
- Of never creating my own family
I search...
- For the perfect black dress
- The "happily ever after" relationship
- For the perfect drink
I wonder...
- If I'll ever be truly happy
- Why my plants always seem to commit group suicide
- If my downstairs neighbour can hear the flashlight ;)
I never...
- Leave the house without nail polish on my toes
- Walk on street grates
- Go to the bathroom without peeking behind the shower curtain first
I rarely...
- Eat breakfast
- Go a day without going to a Starbucks
- Say what's really on my mind
I cry...
- At sad movies
- When I'm pissed off or really stressed
- When laughing
I am not always...
- Sober
- On time
- The most politically correct person
I lose...
- Track of time when surfing the web
- My bank card at least once a month
- Myself, when trying to help others
I'm confused...
- About who really is my boss
- About the parking signs on my street
- About religion
I miss...
- Waking up with somebody beside me... other than the dog...
- Having an unpredictable schedule
- My sisters
- Nico ;)
I need...
- A laptop with a working keyboard
- A few weeks off
- Sleep
I should...
- Be nicer to my noisy neighbors
- Be more patient when driving
- Be sleeping instead of doing this post...
- Be less predictable
jeudi 27 décembre 2007
lundi 24 décembre 2007
vendredi 21 décembre 2007
Ya Right...

I live on the corner of a huge construction site. As we passed in front of the construction area today, some workers where closing off the site for the holidays. Not wanting to move some gigantic propane tanks, they decided to tie them up on the fence with a thin metal thread. As we passed, the foreman was saying: "Naa, nobody gonna try stealing those. And beside, they're tied up !!"
That reminded me of our move to the new office building; our front door still hadn't been installed and as the security guard passed by, he said: "Just put tape accross the door. That way, people will know not to come in!!"
I sleep better knowing such intelligent people are around...
mercredi 19 décembre 2007
mardi 18 décembre 2007
dimanche 16 décembre 2007
We received some snow on Sunday : 40 cm in total. Some city would be shut down for a couple of days. We were advised to drive safely...
I was all smilly on my way to work today and didn't even bother putting my ipod on. Listening to people cursing while trying to find their cars made my day. I'm that weird...

See the bumps here and there ? Yep, those are actual cars...
samedi 15 décembre 2007
She's happy now...

I went shopping with my mom today. I know ; sooo news worthy !
She needed a new hat and mittens and we managed to find some sheepskin ones that made her very happy. See that smile ? She had it for the whole day ! It would even grow bigger when we passed in front of mirrors. Must be something in the wool...
mardi 11 décembre 2007

Let me vent here...
My office has been using the same DOS system since 1981. You read it right : a DOS system.
You are allowed to laught.
That system and I pretty much have a hate-hate relationship. There's all those codes to remember and depending on who created the page, the applications are either in French or in English, with no ways of knowing in advance. So that 30 minutes you just spent looking for the right codes ? Got to start from the beginning again because, well, you didn't pick the right language. And let me guess ; you didn't write those codes down neither, right?
I'm starting to have nightmares about it...
dimanche 9 décembre 2007
I was dreaming about an amazing date and suddenly felt something moving beside me. I carefully openned my eyes only to find this :

Yeah. Back to reality.
samedi 8 décembre 2007
Making Headlines...
vendredi 7 décembre 2007
State of mind...
jeudi 6 décembre 2007
Because I'm that great...
mardi 4 décembre 2007
lundi 3 décembre 2007
21 days 'till Christmas ...

We received 40 cm of snow overnight ! It's beautiful outside !!! By 6:30 am I was all dressed up and playing in the snow with Moka !!
Oh ! And thanks J. for the picture...
And when I finally managed to get to work (I know; I shouldn't be able to complain since I am actually walking to work but whatever...) a collegue had bought each of us a Christmas calendar !!! And yes, by 8:30am , I had opened the 3 "available" doors...

dimanche 2 décembre 2007
Because I'm worth it...

I decided to make myself a real diner tonight. I am usually making something real quick and eating in front the tv but I decided that I deserved better tonight. Don't get me wrong ; I still ate in front of the tv. But I took time to prepare a real meal, followed a recipe, made dessert and opened a nice bottle of wine.
This might become a weekend ritual...
samedi 1 décembre 2007
Life ...
I had quite a nice Saturday. My twin was in town for business and we got to spend some time alone, without her kids. Thing we hadn't done in almost 10 years !!
I also had a few drinks with an ex. We hadn't spoken in almost 12 years !!! But that evening made me realise that it is possible to have a fun night out with an ex. Without any awkwardness or any hard fellings. Just 2 old friends having drinks.
I also realized tonight that the convenience store in front of my place sells Haagen-dazs Ice Cream cheaper than the grocery store !!!
Today was a great day !!
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