jeudi 27 décembre 2007

Who I am...

Totally following the trend here:

I am...

- Definitely not a romantic

- Easily amused by very childish things

- Addicted to tattoos, peppermint latte triple shot espresso and anything with chocolate

- Very lazy when it comes to do the dishes

I want...

- A whole lot more money

- To take a year off and travel around the world

- To finally accept that I am overweight and do something about it

- Boobs without any scars

I have...

- Amazing friends

- A somewhat normal family

- The ability to learn anything very quickly

- A quirky sense of humour

I hate...

- Violence, racism, judgemental people, smoochy couples, lineups and green peas

- That I am so critical of myself

- Being touched by strangers

I fear...

- Of never meeting "The One"

- Of meeting the wrong one over and over again

- Of never creating my own family

I search...

- For the perfect black dress

- The "happily ever after" relationship

- For the perfect drink

I wonder...

- If I'll ever be truly happy

- Why my plants always seem to commit group suicide

- If my downstairs neighbour can hear the flashlight ;)

I never...

- Leave the house without nail polish on my toes

- Walk on street grates

- Go to the bathroom without peeking behind the shower curtain first

I rarely...

- Eat breakfast

- Go a day without going to a Starbucks

- Say what's really on my mind

I cry...

- At sad movies

- When I'm pissed off or really stressed

- When laughing

I am not always...

- Sober

- On time

- The most politically correct person

I lose...

- Track of time when surfing the web

- My bank card at least once a month

- Myself, when trying to help others

I'm confused...

- About who really is my boss

- About the parking signs on my street

- About religion

I miss...

- Waking up with somebody beside me... other than the dog...

- Having an unpredictable schedule

- My sisters

- Nico ;)

I need...

- A laptop with a working keyboard

- A few weeks off

- Sleep

I should...

- Be nicer to my noisy neighbors

- Be more patient when driving

- Be sleeping instead of doing this post...

- Be less predictable

7 commentaires:

  1. To lose weight, stop drinking coffee. Start drinking tea. Walk/dance anything! You will see difference in your skin and hair textures.

    Have a good body image. That helps!

    Feel free to ignore my suggestion..:)

    Michele sent me here.

  2. I got my over eating habits under control when I started to eat eggs everyday for breakfast. This was a fun self-assessment. Michele sent me to visit tonight.

  3. I needed to re-read the list. Hence Michele sent me over again.

  4. Oh, it's me again. I'm always searching for the perfect pair of black pants. Did you see the movie Psycho? Is that why you peek behind the shower curtain. Michele spun me over.

  5. Michele sent me to check out your list, I can't tell you how to lose weight because I need to do so myself!
    I'm with you on the chocolate & the money though, & the smoochy couples- drives me nuts- especially in public.

  6. I miss you too...
    But we have 2 days just for ourselves in month (a little more) <:-))))

  7. Happy New Years, JATP! I enjoyed your post. I'd share my New Year's resolutions, but it would take me into 2009!
