mercredi 30 avril 2008

The Wednesday tradition

Because it is Wednesday...

I am...

- Still slowly losing weight

I want...

- A man in my life...

I have...

- Some weird problems with my feet right now

I hate...

- Snoby sales people

I fear...

- of what doctors might find under those brown spots on my legs...

I search...

- For the "perfect for me" relationship

I wonder...

- If my hot new neighbourg is gay or not

I never...

- Leave the house without nail polish on my toes

I rarely...

- Leave work before 7pm

I cry...

- When I'm pissed off or really stressed

I am not always...

- The most politically correct person

I'm confused...

- About the receptionist... There's something not quite right here.

I miss...

- Waking up with somebody by my side

I need...

- To decide what to do while in New York in late June

I should...

- Be nicer to the plumber who's fixing the leak in my office for the 6th time.

lundi 28 avril 2008

Yup !

This is why I get paid the big bucks at work people ; I get to make Snow White costumes for a male coworker.

And for the records; he even asked about the kind of shoes he should be wearing with the dress...

samedi 26 avril 2008

Euh.. What ?

As opposed to the bad news one ? I just don't get this...

vendredi 25 avril 2008

Can't get over myself...

Look at what's opening in my neighbourhood !!!

I have a feeling I'm going to spend a lot of money in the near future...

mercredi 23 avril 2008

The Wednesday tradition...

I did a post similar to this one back in December. For some reason, I found myself going back to this post quite frequently lately. It seems to be keeping me grounded.


I've decided to turn this exercise into a weekly thing. It might actually help me out by putting things in perspective. Let's try:

I am...

- Still lazy when it comes to do the dishes

- Starting to slowly lose weight

I want...

- To take a year off and travel around the world

- The new eeePc. In green please.

I have...

- Great friends

- The ability to poke fun at myself

I hate...

- Violence, racism, judgmental people, smoochy couples, lineups and green peas

- Ignorant people

I fear...

- Of getting sick again

- Of not being able to become and stay pregnant

I search...

- The "happily ever after" relationship

- For the perfect drink

I wonder...

- If I'll ever be truly happy

- What dogs dream about

I never...

- Leave the house without nail polish on my toes

- Look in other people's bathroom cabinets

I rarely...

- Say what's really on my mind

- Take a lunch break

I cry...

- When I'm pissed off or really stressed

- When laughing

I am not always...

- On time

- The most politically correct person

I lose...

- Myself, when trying to help others

- Sight of my ankles during the summer

I'm confused...

- About the guy that keeps licking my dog at the park. Gross...

- About religion

I miss...

- Having an unpredictable schedule

- My sisters

- My friends N, A and V...

I need...

- More money

- A drink.

I should...

- Be more patient when driving

- Be nicer to the plumber who's fixing the leak in my office for the 4th time.

Anything else I should add ?

lundi 21 avril 2008

Change is IN apparently...

I apparently needed some change in my life. After the hair, I now present you:

The new computer desk.

I know. So exciting...

With before and after pics !! Because I'm that great. Ehem...

It hides the mess perfectly...

samedi 19 avril 2008

How many...

How many musicians does it take to assemble a BBQ ?

Apparently, 4

And it should take them about 5 hours.

And a lot of beer...

vendredi 18 avril 2008

Time for change...

I had my hair cut today. 8 inches of hair were sent to Beautiful Lengths.

I decided on cutting my hair when a coworker mentioned that my best look was the french braid. Hum... And when taking the appointment, the owner asked if I was the girl with the big dog and the way too long hair that live upstairs...

I hate getting my hair cut. I usually end up with a cut that I hate and a style that's impossible to manage. I have no talent with a hair brush and don't plan on becoming a pro anytime soon. But I was pleasantly surprised this time. The hairdresser totally understood my concerns and showed me how style my hair with a blow dryer and my fingers. And that, I can totally do.

What do you think ?


Here's what I managed to do on my own this morning. Not bad hey ?

jeudi 17 avril 2008


It was moving day for my mom today. The building is still under construction but her apartment was ready so they let her move in. She was that eager to make that new place her home.

Everything went perfectly and we made sure to keep her busy and on target with her regular schedule. My favorite cousin even took time off work to help out (Thanks N.!). Ok, the movers were super slow but they didn't even made one scratch on the walls so...

Upon her move, she had made a box for me of food she is not suppose to eat but that were bought by mistake (ahem...) She proudly announced that she had personally checked all items in the box and that everything, EVERYTHING, was indeed edible and not passed expiration date.

I haven't had the heart to tell her about that little box. Yet.

mercredi 16 avril 2008

Yeah baby !

Good bye socks and Hello sandals !

They're out people !! They're finally out !!

Hard to believe it was still snowy last week ! The normal for the season is usually 35 F. but it's been around 77 F all week !!

Looks like I found the perfect new amazing color for my toes right on time...

mardi 15 avril 2008

Holly Molly ...

My life is now complete.

I present you:

The pay-as-you-go flat iron.

What happened to those cheap breath-mints / condom machines ?

I feel old...

lundi 14 avril 2008

Kicking my sorry self...

This blog was suppose to keep me grounded. It was suppose to keep me from loosing myself. In the life of a freelance musician, with a day job, you can easily get caught in the moment and loose track of who you really are. Between working full-time and the many rehearsals, practices and concerts, life becomes a blur. You end up living for your work and music and not much else.

I used to love writing here. And reading all of your blogs. I would spend hours trying to come up with the perfect funny comment on a particular post I liked.

I don't have the energy anymore. I still read my favorite blogs on a daily basis ; but I've become way too bored with myself to even think about writing something remotely clever.

But I am trying to change that. Maybe by forcing (and kicking) myself to post on a daily basis, my life will appear a tiny bit less boring and maybe, life itself will start happening again...

Let's try:

I was giving a concert in Toronto over the weekend. Believe it or not, it was my first time in the city and I had a blast ! And I even managed to get a free ride up the CN tower !! Boy, what Godiva truffles can do for you ...

mercredi 9 avril 2008

Really ??

Want a good laugh ?

Yeah , I tought so...

My very bright step-sister and her mom went to Cuba for 2 weeks. Thinking they were being clever, they decided to pay the cheap motel clerk to watch their car while they were gone, instead of paying a huge amount at the airport.

A brand NEW car.

Yep ; it got stolen.

I wonder why ?!