mercredi 30 avril 2008

The Wednesday tradition

Because it is Wednesday...

I am...

- Still slowly losing weight

I want...

- A man in my life...

I have...

- Some weird problems with my feet right now

I hate...

- Snoby sales people

I fear...

- of what doctors might find under those brown spots on my legs...

I search...

- For the "perfect for me" relationship

I wonder...

- If my hot new neighbourg is gay or not

I never...

- Leave the house without nail polish on my toes

I rarely...

- Leave work before 7pm

I cry...

- When I'm pissed off or really stressed

I am not always...

- The most politically correct person

I'm confused...

- About the receptionist... There's something not quite right here.

I miss...

- Waking up with somebody by my side

I need...

- To decide what to do while in New York in late June

I should...

- Be nicer to the plumber who's fixing the leak in my office for the 6th time.

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