I know, I know; I haven't updated in a while.
I seem to get inspired in the middle of the night, when my computer is off. And then, it takes sooo much time to boost that by the time the computer is up and running, I've fallen asleep again. I also thought about writing down my ideas instead but in this digital era, finding a pen seems to take longer than opening the darn computer...
So. The last 2 weeks in recap:
- Got myself a new cool phone ! It doesn't have that swanky keyboard that I liked so much but this one actually works. A big plus.
- The death of an very old great-uncle brought back some very old wars about the inheritance of a land that never actually belonged to him. Don't they realise that they are arguing over something that was never meant to be theirs in the first place? And really, people should at least wait for the body to be cold before starting the fights. It is just plain disrespectful. There. I said it.
- Spent almost a full week with my twin sister. I miss her.
I seem to get inspired in the middle of the night, when my computer is off. And then, it takes sooo much time to boost that by the time the computer is up and running, I've fallen asleep again. I also thought about writing down my ideas instead but in this digital era, finding a pen seems to take longer than opening the darn computer...
So. The last 2 weeks in recap:
- Got myself a new cool phone ! It doesn't have that swanky keyboard that I liked so much but this one actually works. A big plus.
- The death of an very old great-uncle brought back some very old wars about the inheritance of a land that never actually belonged to him. Don't they realise that they are arguing over something that was never meant to be theirs in the first place? And really, people should at least wait for the body to be cold before starting the fights. It is just plain disrespectful. There. I said it.
- Spent almost a full week with my twin sister. I miss her.
Here she is, discovering Godiva's Milkshakes...

- Reapolstered my very dirty cream colored couch. For $20 and many blisters on my palms, I now have a very good looking (in my taste anyway !) couch. I'm very proud of myself.

- Learned that I would be an aunt again ! My baby sister is pregnant with baby # 2... Hopefully, this pregnancy will be much easier on her: bedrest for 7 months doesn't look so appealing this time aound.
- After looking at my blog stats for the month of April, realized that over 2000 perverts had landed on my blog through google looking for a particular post on body parts that I did over a year ago. I say perverts because, well, the said pic is located, on average, on page 1750, which means they must have spent hours looking at pics of the said body part before landing on my site.
- Became, against my wishes, one of the fire warden for my department at work. My sexy look apparently sealed the deal...
- Did some very weird gigs. But hey, the pay is the same so whatever gets them off , works for me.
- Met the perfect guy for me. Really. But then again, I'll never be the perfect one for him so thats the end of it. But it was nice. And I know that somewhere, there is another perfect guy for me. He just needs to get is ass moving and come and find me.
And totally out of context:
I am going to be in New York City from June 22nd to 27th. On a very limited budget. Any ideas on what I should do ?
NYC on a limited budget--be sure to walk through Central Park, FAO Schwartz. I did one of those bus tours of TV shows and Film scenes in NY It wasn't expensive and it got me around to see many famous places.
RépondreEffacerHow come i always end up on your site looking like crap ??
RépondreEffacerLove you anyway...
Bon, c'est pas gratuit mais pour la vue, c'est à ne pas manquer:
RépondreEffacerAu lieu d'aller sur le toit de l'Empire State building, je te suggère le Top Of The Rock (Rockafeller Center). C'est 20$ mais comme il faut absolument que tu vois la ville de haut... t'as pas le choix! ;)
Va voir le nouveau magasin Apple au coin en bas à gauche de Central Park. LE gros cube en verre... c'est ouvert 24/7 et tu peux utiliser leurs ordinateurs pour envoyer des courriels. Tu peux même faire des téléphones partout en amérique du Nord en "essayant" un iPhone... GRATUIT
Je peux pas dire que je trippe sur la statue mais si t'as envie de faire une petite "croisière", y'a le staten island ferry que tu peux prendre aller/retour gratuitement et tu vois la statue au loin...
Va magasiner dans le chinaTown les sacoches! Quand tu entres dans une boutiques, tu demandes à voir les "vraies copies" en chuchotant et ils vont t'amener dans le backstore... à ne pas manquer et c'est gratuit si t'achètes rien! ;)
Côté magasins, y'a le B&H qui est rempli d'appareils photos/caméras et cossins du genre. Un appareil photo qui se vend 450$ ici se vend 300$ là bas... Ils ont vraiment des bons deals et ce sont tous des monsieurs à boudin qui y travaillent... divertissant! (cherche sur Internet pour l'adresse...)
Va voir le Toys'R'Us de time square... pour l'enfant en toi!
Certains musées, en tout cas, le MET, fonctionnent au don.... donc même s'ils disent que l'entrée suggérée est de 20$, tu peux entrer en donnant un 5$ avec le sourire! ;) Le MET (metropolitan museum) est cool, ils ont actuellement une petite expo sur les costumes de superhéros... tu y verras les VRAIS costumes de Iron Man, Batman, etc. Sans compter de grands classiques. Ne manque pas l'expo sur le toit! Pis ça donne une super vue de la ville en plus...
N'hésite pas à prendre le taxi! Si t'as mal aux pieds et que l'entrée de métro est trop loin, les taxis sont pas très chers... et faut essayer ça au moins une fois dans sa vie!
Pis c'est pas mal ça... si jamais j'ai un flash je t'écris autre chose...
Bon trip! :)
Oups, j'ai dit que le Apple Store est "en bas à gauche de Central Park", c'est faux! C'est au coin SUD-EST de central park!