mercredi 18 juin 2008

What I didn't blog about...

Totally stealing from Diane Mandy (sorry... but you are a great inspiration!)

- I finally put away those darn boxes that were camping in my kitchen since the move last September. And all by myself.

- Witnessed first hand during a thunder storm that Moka is definitely not a watch dog. We're talking shaking dog, hiding under the blankets and whining. Yeah.

- Spent the weekend with an old friend visiting. Many drinks were had. A lot of great times. And new expressions were created and all because of Moka.

- Flirted massively with the very gay guy at the dog park. Watching the other owners faces was worth a million; it made both our day. We are becoming fast friends, meeting over for coffees and planning play dates for our dogs. He actually reminds me of a special someone that I miss dearly (Yes, I'm talking about you Nico. And you would actually make a beautiful couple... Just saying.)

- Followed the advice of a friend and bought myself some girly shoes. I am still trying to figure out how to walk properly in those... 3 inches people ! Not kidding...

jeudi 12 juin 2008

A bit of this, a bit of that...

Read today:

“While women go on every diet in the world to lose weight, men have a different solution: They simply lower their belts.”

That explains so much...

And totally out of context:

What music puts you in the mood for... ?

lundi 9 juin 2008

Weekend Recap...

- Went to an Asian-Fusion restaurant, were Pad Thai and Shawarma mingled... There was something very weird about it.

- Witnessed a naked parade on bikes. A very hairy and naked guy riding his bike ? Sooo not hot.

- Went kayaking. Tandem. Realized that 2 trumpet players with equal amount of muscle on just one arm ? Not that great. We'll use singles next time.

- Bought an air conditioner. The apartment had reached 38.9C (or 102.02F) when I finally convinced myself that it wouldn't be luxury. The fact that Moka was sleeping less than a meter from the fan also helped convince me...

- Chatted via F*cebook with an old friend for 4 1/2 hours. Opened a bottle of wine after a while. Got very tipsy and said many, many things. And realized that I meant every single one of them. Even in a sober state of mind...

mercredi 4 juin 2008

Playing Tag...

I was tagged by the very cool Diane Mandy to do a meme about random facts ... Which means I now need to update my site and post something. Crap...

**Just kidding ! I've been in a cheery mood since Monday for some unknown reason so humour me, will you ?

Random Fact # 1:

I have a major addiction to Goglu cookies. Addiction that I've had since I can remember. I eat them a special way and they need to be at a certain degree of moisture. I can't keep them in the house; too dangerous. And my mom just gave a family size box...

Random Fact # 2:

I have a passion for Lip Balm. Nearing an obsession, actually ! Being a trumpet player, I take great care of my lips. But unlike most players who use plain and regular balm, I always carry a wide variety of those small tubes: who knows when the weather or temperature could suddenly dramatically change ? One minute it's sunny and humid, the next its full blown air conditioning in a very dry, claustrophobic room ?? My new obsession is Jack Black's Intense Therapy Lip Balm. FPS 25, lots of Shea Butter, a tiny bit of mint and green tea. Just perfect.

I should get a discount now, right ?

Random Fact # 3:

I am now addicted to F*cebook and Twitter. I just am.

Maybe that explains why I am not posting here as much as I used to. Sorry...

I'll try do to better.

Random Fact # 4:

I am in LOVE with my new phone. Lots and lots of gadgets on it; perfect for somebody that gets bored as easily as me. And one of my favorite one ? The step counter. Since setting it on last Wednesday, I have walked a grand total of 78827 steps. That's 60.4 km (or 37.53 miles) people !!

Random Fact # 5

I'm addicted to gossip blogs. Really. I know it is very wrong to encourage such sites but I need my daily dose of other people's ''not-so-real'' life. I just need it.

Random Fact # 6

I have been contemplating buying a house for a couple of weeks now. Many people close to me are either have a baby or buying a house. And since I cannot make a baby by myself, I could certainly buy a house on my own ! But since I am on my own and since my credit rating is not that shiny, I managed to get pre-approved for a very tiny house loan. Tiny. Major fixer upper type of loan. But still. And while I am very excited about the idea of buying on my own, I have decided not to rush into things and wait for my perfect fixer upper to come along. And is it wrong that I passed on seeing a maybe perfect house just because I couldn't pronounce the name of the street ?

That's it folks !

I am now tagging:


