mercredi 18 juin 2008

What I didn't blog about...

Totally stealing from Diane Mandy (sorry... but you are a great inspiration!)

- I finally put away those darn boxes that were camping in my kitchen since the move last September. And all by myself.

- Witnessed first hand during a thunder storm that Moka is definitely not a watch dog. We're talking shaking dog, hiding under the blankets and whining. Yeah.

- Spent the weekend with an old friend visiting. Many drinks were had. A lot of great times. And new expressions were created and all because of Moka.

- Flirted massively with the very gay guy at the dog park. Watching the other owners faces was worth a million; it made both our day. We are becoming fast friends, meeting over for coffees and planning play dates for our dogs. He actually reminds me of a special someone that I miss dearly (Yes, I'm talking about you Nico. And you would actually make a beautiful couple... Just saying.)

- Followed the advice of a friend and bought myself some girly shoes. I am still trying to figure out how to walk properly in those... 3 inches people ! Not kidding...

2 commentaires:

  1. Love the shoes and the fact that you blogged about what you hadn't blogged about!

  2. Well it really means that I have to come back to Canada... I met very nice people during the trip to La Croix-Valmer (how do you do when you have a crush on a guy who has a boyfriend and lives 7,000km away from you?)...
    Hey but with the high heals, you are taller then me now, with your hands up ;)
