I know.
I've totally sucked at the blogging thing lately.
Anyway, here is a recap of the last two weeks. And in pictures !

- Drove in the middle of a fog fest, which totally creeps me out and gives me panic attacks, so I could feel more at peace and drive a special someone to the hospital for an operation. And thinking about him and his ordeal didn't help me feel better either...

- Went to a wedding in a lovely little town (well, the picture represents about all that I saw, but it does look lovely!) I had a great weekend, thanks to Bob.

- Received flowers from a special someone. It's actually the first time that I've received flowers from a man. Well ok, 2nd time; I did received ONE flower from the very same special someone ages ago. And well, I know you've sent me flowers Nico but totally not the same thing. I knew you'd understand. ;)

- Started winning brownies points by cooking some man my very good lasagna. I think I'm getting somewhere...

- Browsed through a swanky furniture store for some design ideas. Can somebody please explain to me why somebody would want a $400 cushion with a lobster on it in their bedroom ??

- Had the greatest surprise and had an impromptu visit from Audrey. I truly miss the evenings we used to have in the old city. Truly.
- Did some concerts in that area. I didn't get the chance to visit however. But I'll fix that by going again for an audition in October!
- Had many great diners. I'll truly miss summer. I wish fall would be as amazing but it is not up to me, unfortunately. Some unexpected things happened for me over the summer. The only problem is; I have a feeling that I am heading on a one way street. I'll have to learn to be patient. But like the saying: "Love Hurts". And I'm definitely on that boat...
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