There were a lot of changes lately in JATP’s world. And it is all because of a man. I know. So predictable…
Well, in the last 2 weeks, I’ve changed jobs and moved in with a great guy. Yep, I’ve quit the corporate world, the 9 to 5 gig, the office with no window (but with a door!) and traded all my comfort for the oh! so unpredictable world of a full time musician with a teaching gig. Yeah!!! I rock! It is still a contract. As was my other job. But I now get drug insurance. Which is a big bonus for me. I now get to justify my student loans payments. And I get to wake up with my great guy beside me every day. Yes, there are many other benefits but whatever.
I know the move come in quick. Without that new job, which happens to be in the same city as his work, we wouldn’t have moved in together so quickly. But we make a good team. We work well together. We know each other’s body language so well, it is freaky sometimes. We also have realistic expectations. Nobody’s perfect. But we’re also both willing to discuss a problem before it escalades. And the fact that there were absolutely no fights during the move, none whatsoever, should be a good indication on how things are going to be… ;)
Bonus points for me; the new city happens to be right in the middle of my two favorite worlds. Two and a half hour each ways. I’ll get to see my favorite people more often!! Well, except for you Nico. And let’s just say I’m not too kin on the idea of you moving to Siberia. The vodka might be cheap but it is definitely way too far. There. I said it.
The new place has a backyard for Moka. And a finished basement (with plenty of sofa-beds for our guests…ehem…) And it also comes with a great guy… Yes, you are allowed to call me geeky. It is also in the middle of nowhere. **gasp** Not exaggerating. Really. The nearest Starbucks is 30 miles away. I’ve started a 12 steps withdrawal program.
Here are pictures of my old and new surroundings…
Old life:

New life:
Noticed the difference?
WOW! Talk about changes! Congratulations!
RépondreEffacerPis, c'est comment la nouvelle job?
RépondreEffacerTime for an update too... ;)