I've done it !! I've reached the 10 000 mark !!
Only problem though. When logging on my site meter, I realized that the lucky winner was :
Sucks big time, doesn't it ? The site meter would normally ignore my visits but I was staying over at my sister's place last night and decided to check out my blog, since I had some formatting problems in the morning... and that's when the meter hit the 10 000 mark. I almost cried.
But then, my niece entered the room and my evening got a funny turn.
As we were leaving to attend a concert, she said she had a big announcement to make but would wait for me to be sitting in the bus before telling me... Hum... OK !
Once comfortably seated, she dropped the bomb : unlike her favorite aunt (that would be me ), she's been dating someone for a couple of days ! His name is C-E, is in her class, gives great kisses on the cheaks (phew !), asked for her address in order to visit (already a gentleman !) and are truly in love. They plan on marrying at 19, buy a house in the south of France ( ?! ) and have 2 kids : a girl and a boy. They haven't chosen any names yet as they still have plenty of time but the paint color for the rooms have been chosen...
She had that very serious tone in her voice while telling her story so I listened carefully and asked the righ questions. The bus got really quiet at one point. Most people had a big smile on their face and would just listen to that little girl's story and remembering being 8 years old and madly in love for the first time.
Then she said it. She dropped an even bigger bomb : since she's soooooo good at finding good guys and that I am obviously not, she's going to try and fix me up, even though she thinks I'm getting a bit old for dating ... People in that bus stopped smilling. Instead, I got big, huge, loud laughs.
I need a drink. Fast...
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