My mom had a major stroke back in February and had a couple more episodes since. It's been a bumpy road and we're still pretty worried. I'm still taken aback everytime the phone rings at unusual hours. What if...
Her mobility is still a big problem and so is her memory ; long term & short term. She remembers us but can't recall our age or differentiate our voice. She can do Sudoku exercises at the speed of lightning but can't remember if she took her meds or ate, 5 minutes ago...
Here's a list of things I wish I'd told her before her ordeal. She is still alive, I know. But moms are ment to bother you and pester you with the small stuff. It is now that I wish she would come back and hunt me for the rest of my life with those things...
So here we go :
I love you : It's just not something we do in the family ; telling one another that we love each other. I don't know why. But there seem to be a real discomfort in doing so. Maybe that explain why I'm having such a hard time telling boyfriends that I love them...
I missed you : My mother was absent for a very long time. For some very good reasons and for some very wrong ones too. She came back in my life in my early twenties and tried to buy herself in... Didn't work ; I didn't need her in my life the way I did growing up and beside, you can't buy love. It took me a very long time to let her back in my life ; we needed to tame our relationship.
I don't keep parsley in my car : No mom, that thing wasn't parsley... but I do love your naïvety !
I DID got kicked out of school : For selling hard liquor. In grade 8. In a field trip. Yes, I know it was very wrong. But darn, it did made those Religious Study quizzes a lot funnier !!
I didn't wait to be in college to have sex : I was actually 13... What can I say ; I was VERY curious ! The good thing is : I never regretted a thing.
I did moved in with Denis... : I kinda skipped that part when I said I was moving in with Isabelle and a friend ... In my defence, you never asked the gender of the said friend !!!!
You are the worst cook ever : Hum... I don't want to hurt your fellings and I'm pretty sure you noticed the fact that EVERYBODY tries to avoid ever having to eat at your place but it sure feels great to say it outloud !
We do like the fact that you are deaf : it sure makes playing with your mind a lot easier !
I'm proud of you : for setting yourself some incredible goals, raising the bar and achieving your dreams.
And you : What do you wish you could tell your mom ?
Do most people have sex when they are 13.I just want to know?