Wow ! Time flew by way too quickly. I am finally leaving for that European tour in only a couple of hours !
That last week was quite hectic ; I had quite a few rehearsals and concerts. I moved (again !) , bought those last minute nik-nak for the trip and ended up using crutches for the last few days because of a stupid tendinitis on my right leg...
Then today was the much dreaded bathing suit shopping. Ouch. What was supposed to be a one stop, 5 minutes thing turned out to be a 3 hours, 20 stores thing. I did, however, find the somehow perfect suit. Yé me !
And I am almost done packing : which was not an easy task, since I am a compulsive list maker : a list the the plane carry on, a list for the luggage, a list for the trumpet gig bag, a list of the lists... hum...
I'll try updating the blog from time to time. I am pretty sure that in between the French Riviera, l'Alsace, Loire, Paris and London, there will be many adventures to tell !! Who knows : I could meet the man of my dreams somewhere in St.Tropez or Paris ?
Have a nice summer ! I'll be back on July 22nd ...Wish me luck !!
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