samedi 23 septembre 2006


WoW ! What an hectic month its been !!!

I've been running around like a mad scientist for the past few weeks and I am finally getting a grasp on everything. Well, almost... I still need to find a decent apartment and some not-too-old furniture. I was planning the big move for October but I guess that'll have to wait a couple more weeks !

I began a new job two weeks ago. Same company, different department : they all want me ! Now, if I could figure out a way for guys to feel the same... I still have plenty of stuff to learn in order to do that job properly but since they can't seem to find a decent job description or an actual title for the job, well, I am pretty much left to myself to figure out what to do. Fingers crossed, I haven't done any major mistakes so far ! Yé me !!

I also met the most amazing person you'll ever meet : Noemie... The most perfect little baby !

My baby sister had a baby (still sounds weird...) a couple weeks ago and I was finally able to go see them. I soooo fell in love with that baby (and my hormones did too : the biological clock is definitely on the wall now, fully operational... Shit.) She is the most calm, patient and easy baby I' ve ever seen. She can spends an hour by herself, fully awake, just looking around and listening to the world around her, then announcing that she is bored by some gentle (not kidding !) fussing...

My sister's pregnancy was really hard on her system. She shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place: she's had kidney problems for a couple of years now and was fully aware of the dangers of a pregnancy. But she got pregnant anyway. She spent her entire pregnancy on bed rest and at 15 weeks, one of her kidney shutted down completely. We were really worried about her and the baby. But she also made us laugh throughout that entire adventure... As bored and lonely as she was (on bedrest and 2000 miles away from her familly) she became the only pregnant woman knowned to earth to ever experience fatigue, sore legs, bladder infections, swollen legs, headache, sleepiness and cravings... Totally new concept that was created JUST.FOR.HER ! Amazing !! I'll get to see the new familly again next weekend and my bags are already packed : I am that excited... That kid is going to cost us a fortune...

Our baby had a baby... Unbelievable !!

In other news...

A good friend of mine just abandonned us to go back in France. Nico is starting a new adventure and beginning a new job in Paris... I am slightly jealous and I'll miss him dearly... And since I know he reads this blog, it is only fair to make him miss me in return by posting a little something, totally devoted to him !


So there we go...

" Moving quite often myself, I now have homes in most part of the world. Only Paris was missing : thanks Nico !! My requirements are : a brick wall, gorgeous and tanned doorman , a mezzanine and proximity to a Morrino. Oh ! and an elevator : as you know, my bags are usually quite heavy... The wet bar should also be filled, at all time, with crémant.

Although my view of the music conductor will be quite improved, your pocking and glazing head will be missed. Lurking guys will also feel slightly different ; however, I will now know for sure that the object of desire is looking at ME and not the handsome Oh ! so tall guy beside me...

Don't get me wrong though: I am truly happy for you. Moving to Paris is an awesome opportunity for you !... and for us since we'll have an on-the-spot crémant smuggler...

I will trully miss our ever ending laughs, your choreographies, our drunken nights and your papel towel service...


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