I recently took over an office job. Something I hadn't done in a long time but I really needed the extra cash... Yep, turning 30 made me realize that althought I still feel like a teenager, I should definitely get my act together and stop acting like one : which means moving out, on my own, in a real apartment, sleep a bit more, making a heck more money and sticking to a real budget.
So... back to that office job. It surely is different from the music world, that's for sure ! People interaction, for one thing. Hum...
I share an office with 5 other women (that's a lot of estrogen ! ) and a couple of guys passing by from time to time ( one of them happens to be quite a hunk I must say...) I am used to being a chameleon so I made myself fit right in, which was quite easy . Those women are great !! But it is the amount of information that is shared during those office hours that's bothering me. They have no inhibitions.
You have those 2 very nice older ladies ; nothing to say about them. Although they do like to give their five cents quite a lot... Then you have the one that everybody loves to hate : I guess every office needs one of those. You then have the 2 gossipers ; not about office mates but about their celebrities obsession. Nothing wrong with that neither. But one of them happens to be a very loud talker, who enjoys mentioning that she likes eating sausages, in a non-culinary way. Hum... ok ! Then comes the temp. Oh ! boy ! She is a nice girl. But who the hell would mention on their first day of work that their boyfriend did some time in jail for drugs ? Way to go for first impressions !!
I am not used to that kind of work environment. To that kind of office bounding. As a musician, my colleagues also happen to be my real life friends ; that kind of talk would be ok since we've known each other for a very, very long time... So far, I've been pretty quiet about my personal life . I've been pretty evasive and given as less information as possible.
That brings me to my point :
What should be or not be said in an office ?
How much information should be shared ??
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