jeudi 20 septembre 2007


I have a new addiction. A web site. Its name starts with a f and ends with a k. No ; not one of those sites. But you know the one...

Why I hadn't heard about that site before is beyond me but here I am ; an addict.

I had the chance to reconnect with old friends. People I haven't seen or heard of for many, many years. It's always fun to see where people that used to be in our lives are now at. I had quite a few surprises ; people whose live changed drastically since we last spoke ; always in a positive way thought. I guess we're all very fortunate people ! But it also made me realized that I am at the exact same place I was over 15 years ago. Yep, still living like an eternal teenager. Only with more responsibilities... and a few more wrinkles.

2 commentaires:

  1. I had thought about checking it out. But after going to my 20th reunion, I decided otherwise. But I am glad you are enjoying it!

  2. It's facecrack. I'm so addicted. I love all the games--Scrabulous and Pirates especially...

