vendredi 21 septembre 2007


Conversation I had the pleasure to have while walking the dog this week...

Stranger : Hey ! Cute dog !! My name is Mark, by the way...

JATP: Hi Mark ! My name is JATP

Stranger : No way ! A palm reader told me my future bride's name would be JATP !!

JATP: Really ? Did she also mention the name of your CURRENT wife ?

Stranger, quickly looking at the band on his important finger : Yeah... See Ya !

Question: What's the lamest pick up line you've heard ?

8 commentaires:

  1. "Do you mind if I stare at you up close instead of from across the room?"


    I think I've lost out on a lot of dates because cheesy pick-up lines just make me giggle. I can't help it. Then the cheesy-pick-up-line-giver gets THAT LOOK because I laughed in his face, so that makes me laugh some more. :)

    Hello, Michele sent me!

  2. Too many that I don't recall any!

    Michele sent me here to think itover!

  3. Oh, it's such a long time ago, I can't even remember the good ones, lol!!
    This one was truly lame... :)

  4. Off the top of my head?

    "I'm into nudity....."

    I dated the guy for 4 years. Turns out he was telling the truth


    Michele sent me say hideeeho

  5. LOL, LOL...Well, it is Sooooo long ago, I don't honestly remember!
    Thanks for your visit!

  6. Michele sent me to say hi, JATP.

    um - 'how do you like your breakfast eggs?'

    pathetic, I know.....

    The one that usually gets my attention is 'can I buy you a drink?'


  7. Goodness, can't remember the last time I dated. I'm not sure cheesy pick up lines were even invented back then... just kidding, I just can't remember any.

  8. HAHAHA!!! I haven't heard any unique pick up lines, but I did hear one great rebuttal.

    Man: Haven;t I seen you before?

    Woman. No. And let's keep it that way.
