vendredi 28 avril 2006

Photo Friday !!

This week's theme : Reflexion

I have to admit : I took the easy road for this one. Being a twin, there's always a reflexion of myself, somewhere...

mercredi 26 avril 2006


I was watching television this morning ( I know, so exciting ). The show had a panel discussing the price of gas ; a whole panel that spent 45 minutes complaining about the fact that the price of gas in the US is an aberrant $ 2.90 / gallon ...

Did they ever wondered what other contries might be paying ? Did you know that Canadians are actually paying an average of $ 4.56 / gallon and that people in the Netherlands are paying a whooping $ 6.48 / gallon ??

We're talking about gas, people ; fuel for an automobile. Cars do come with expenses. Get over it. There are things way more important in life than this ! But somehow, the price of gas took all the headlines...

mardi 25 avril 2006

IT'S A GIRL !!!!!!

Emma had an other sonogram done and she is definitely expecting a girl !!!! The technician had never seen a clearer shot ! Still, her husband had some problems figuring out what he was seeing... hum... I think somebody needs a refresher course in biology...

We were hoping for a happy and unstressfull pregnancy for her ; she is our little sister, our baby and we are very protective of her. But this pregnancy has been total chaos from the get go. Her pregnancy is considered High risk : she's had lazy kidneys for a couple of years now and doctors warned her about the many risks of a pregnancy... and she got pregnant anyway ( don't get me wrong here: we are truly happy for her ! A baby !! Yé !!! ) .

Then last week, her right kidney shutted down completely. It's been decided that they would induce her at 30 weeks gestation. The baby should be fine: at 23 weeks, she is already 1.5 pounds. A real troopper ! You go girl !!

But we're getting worried about Emma. She's basically poisonning herself and there's nothing they can do about it except watch her proteins level and make sure she doesn't reach the unwanted number of 3 ( she is already a 1.8 ) So if everything goes as planned , and we are so praying it does, we should have a new tiny princess in 7 weeks ...

vendredi 21 avril 2006

Photo Friday !!

This week's theme : What did you had for dinner

And YES, they are store-bought ; I've been running like a mad scientist for the past two weeks and either had a very quick meal at my sister's place (HUGE thanks) or either grabbed sushi at the rehearsal hall... well, that or a poutine...

vendredi 14 avril 2006

Photo Friday !

This week's theme : Shadow

I took this picture of my youngest sister, Emma, about 4 years ago ; It represents so clearly how she felt at the time...

mercredi 12 avril 2006

2006 ? Really ??

I was doing a gig this weekend (I know, shocker) and that really cute waiter passed by...

A fellow trumpet player noticed him as well and we started arguing if the guy was on my side or on his side. We are usually pretty good at that game but this time, we remained clueless as the waiter seemed flirty with both of us... (That reminds me: We ought to find new strategies) We were still having a blast when the other trumpet player sitting beside me ( an unknown extra ) decided to pitch in the conversation.

It pretty much went like this:

Extra : what's all the fuzz ?

Me : I think the waiter over there has a really cute butt

Extra : Hum... that guy smells like pee

Me : ???????

Extra : Well, its pretty obvious : that guy is gay. It's discusting...

Me : ????????????????????????? and then #"%?&*****


Is she for real ?

I mean: I am not delusionnal. There will always be buttheads around. Totally intollerent racist people that don't see further than their own nose (for me, Racism means discrimination against race, color, religion, orientation, against... you get it) but coming from a 35 years old educated women in the music industry ?

Just WOW

That reminded me of a conversation I had with my niece. A couple of months ago, she asked me if I would marry THE ROOMMATE one day. I wasn't sure about her father's position on the subject ( he is known to have questionable opinions sometimes... ) but I didn't want to avoid the subject neither.

I casually explained that some famillies have only a mom or only a dad. Some famillies have a mom and a dad, while some famillies have 2 moms or 2 dads and gaves her examples of people we know. I then explained that THE ROOMMATE would , someday, have a 2 dads familly. That might not be the best answer but I felt pretty good about it. She looked at me and THE ROOMMATE for a couple of minutes and asked: "That's cool !!! But then, will you marry THE ROOMMATE's boyfriend ? 'cause I really like him !"

Hum... almost there...

vendredi 7 avril 2006

Photo Friday !!!

This week's theme for Photo Friday: Body parts

We were also requested to submit a short text on said body part...

So here we go:

My lips...

They work hard for a living.

They're strong, muscular, powerfull.

They buzz, they flick, they do tricks.

Oh ! so sore at the end of the day !

They are worth every penny spent by those deserving customers.

I am , after all, a working trumpet player...

mercredi 5 avril 2006

What kind of soul are you ?

Oh ! And Thanks to Shelli for the link !!

You Are a Prophet Soul

You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.

Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.

Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.

No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.

Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.

A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.

You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul

They are SOOOOO right on target ! Freaky...

lundi 3 avril 2006


My new definition of birthdays :

"One should hurry up to drink before being drunk..."

Ouch !