lundi 21 décembre 2009


Ça pourrait être long...

J'avais rendez-vous avec mon médecin à ma DPA, le vendredi 20 novembre. Tous nos plans d'être déclanchée cette journée-là ou pendant la fin de semaine ont rapidement été mis de côté: mon col était encore rigide comme une planche de contreplaqué et un déclanchement voudrait dire au moins 72 heures de travail. Nous devions être patient et attendre un peu plus. Le plan suivant était un déclanchement de nuit, le vendredi suivant...

Fast Forward à mardi. J'ai eu un pressentiment que quelque chose allait arriver lorsque Moka à décider de passé la journée entière à mes côtés; à pleurnicher et à me dévisager. Je suis finalement allé me coucher à minuit, mais n'ai jamais réussi à m'endormir: je à tournais et tournais... Et puis à 1h05, j'ai entendu un étrange pop et sentit un flot de liquide étrange. J'ai réveillé Bob, avons tous deux pris une douche rapide, appelé l'hôpital et nous sommes mis en route!

Bien qu'il n'y ait pas de doute que j'avais crevé les eaux, les infirmières et le médecin sur appel étaient abasourdis: mon col était encore très, très dur ... J'ai été admis et à 2h45, le Picotin faisait son entrée. En moins de 15 minutes, j'avais des contractions de phase 3 toutes les 2 minutes. Fast-Forward à 13h. J'ai essayé le bain: définitivement pas pour moi! Après les 30 minutes les plus longue de ma vie, j'ai dû sortir. Et ça pressait. Quand nous sommes revenus à notre chambre (je dis notre parce que Bob cohabitait avec moi et aussi parce-que l'hôpital a uniquement des chambres privées ...) mon infirmière incroyable avait tout préparé pour une épidurale. Je n'ai pas eu à demander. Elle savait qu'il était temps: après 12 heures de travail, j'étais à peine dillaté à 1cm.

Le reste de la journée et la soirée sont flous. Je sais que ça implique beaucoup de douleur et une épidurale qui ne fonctionnait pas toujours.

Après 26 heures de travail, j'étais enfin dillaté à 10 cm. J'étais encore un -3, mais le médecin a décidé qu'il était temps d'essayer de pousser. Après 3 heures de poussé, il s'est rendu compte que le bébé était orienté vers l'arrière et qu'une fracture du crâne était éminente. Une césarienne d'urgence était nécessaire. Bien sûr, rendu là, j'étais complètement dans les vap, voulait seulement que le bébé sorte et ne voulait rien savoir d'une césarienne...

Il a fallu beaucoup de concentration et de volonté de la part de Bob pour me faire réaliser l'urgence de la situation et de me convaincre que d'avoir une césarienne ne signifie pas un échec. Cela signifiait seulement, pour nous, avoir une petite fille en santé ***

15 minutes plus tard, mademoiselle M était né ...

*** Ai-je déjà mentionné que j'aime cet homme ? Il a été incroyable pendant toute l'aventure de l'accouchement. L'homme qui cours pour aller chercher de la glace, des couvertures chaudes, encore d'autre Gatorade? C'était lui. Aussi le meilleur masseur de dos, le meilleur motivateur et le meilleur partenaire que j'aurais pu choisir...

lundi 7 décembre 2009


Je suis la bitch qui pouvait entrer dans ses pantalons réguliers 9 jours après avoir accouché.

Je pèse en fait 5 livres de moins qu'avant de tomber enceinte.

Désolé. J'avais besoin de me vanter.

mardi 1 décembre 2009


Voici Meghan !

L'accouchement à été difficile. Et long. Et pas du tout comme ça devait se passer.

Après 26 heures de travail et 3 heures de poussées, ça c'est terminé par une césarienne d'urgence.

Mais ça en vallait tellement la peine !

dimanche 22 novembre 2009


Le blog est maintenant en français !

Vraiment ?!

Pourquoi ? Et bien, pourquoi pas...

dimanche 15 novembre 2009

mercredi 4 novembre 2009


Bob, in the doorway with his coat still on:

'' Wooooooo ! Your belly is so huge that your boobs look tiny tiny !!!! ''

I'm actually a 36H. The belly IS getting out of proportion.

You might be comfortable in there little baby but I'll have to kick you out soon ...

lundi 2 novembre 2009

The waiting game...

Yup; still pregnant !

My OB actually compared my cervix with a house ready for a hurricane: that plywood plank is so well nailed, it won't go anywhere... We know one thing for sure: if nothing happens before then, I'll be induced on Novembre 20th. Which means we've got at most 18 days to go. Almost there !!

I am also officially on leave ! For the ones not familliar with our system over here: we are lucky enought to get 18 weeks of paid maternity leave, followed by 34 weeks of paid parental leave (that can actually be split between the 2 parents. We won't go that route). That means I'll get 52 weeks of paid leave to be with the baby !!!!!! Bob will also get a week off, paid by his employer, when the baby arrives and will then get 5 weeks of paid paternity leave... How awesome is that ?!

We are also the mean ones that requested to our friends and familly, to get absolutely no hospital visits. No phone calls will be transfered to our room neither. No phone updates will be provided by the nursing station (they have plenty of work to do and are not our personnal secretaries...). We will call everybody once the baby has arrived. And we promised to do it in a very timely maner. No flower delivery (if they really want to spend that kind of money, they can buy toys for the baby instead of spending loads of money on something that'll be thrown in the garbage after 72 hours...) I know, we are mean. Our point is: we want to get to know the baby on our own schedule and I want to be able to rest and heal and whine if I feel like it, without having 20 people in the room as witnesses. The baby will, hopefully, be there for the next 80 years. They can wait a week before visiting. In exchange, we will send them pictures as soon as we get back home...

What else ? Well, the baby's room has been ready for a few weeks now. For some reason, I never got around of posting the pics... What do you think ?

lundi 12 octobre 2009

Now you know...

Some familly members and close friends kept bugging us about a baby registry. So we did registered. At one of those baby chain stores.

But the one thing Bob and I agree we'll need the most doesn't seem to be available in those stores:

jeudi 8 octobre 2009


Still 5.2 weeks to go! This got to be the longest pregnancy ever! Well, it surely feels like it anyway...

We've had a couple of serious discussions with friends and familly about some parental duties. Funny how couples or individuals who are already parents or in the process of becoming parents seemed to agree the most with us. The ones without children seemed to have real issues with some of our decisions...

- We've decided that for the first few months, I'll be the one in charge of diaper duty. Bob has issues with newborn diapers and I respect that. What's changing a few extra diapers even when he's home? In exchange, he'll be doing the dishes and will be on bathroom duty. And believe me, I'd rather change a diaper than do any of those chores! And I'm pretty conviced Bob can get plenty of quality time with the baby other than by changing it's diaper... Just my opinion...

- I'll be in charge of the night shift. I don't need anybody holding my hand while I breastfeed the baby. And as mentionned by my friend V, a sane person in the house could be kinda usefull... Bob will be working during the day and will need some sleep. I, on the other hand, will hopefully be able to rest a bit when the baby sleeps... Hopefully.

That is not to say that when needed, Bob will be more than available to pitch in for those two chores! He will be a hands on dad. And a good one at that. We're conviced that there's plenty other stuff he can do other than changing a diaper... or breastfeed... ;)

mardi 22 septembre 2009


3 of us desperately sat in a bar on February 14th 2007, on a very bad snow storm evening, watching 2 friends play in a band, while bitching about the lack of men in our lives. All 3 of us where desperate...

During a break, one of our friend from the band, Pat, came and chatted with us. In an attempt to boost our morale, he proclamed that from what we knew, in a year, we'd all have a man in our life and we'd all be talking about houses and babies.

Where are we, 2 1/2 years later?


One found the man, got the house and is currently trying for baby # 2.

One found the man (well, got her man back...), got the house and is due to deliver her first baby in about 8 weeks.

One got the man, got the house and is planning on starting a familly real soon.

I guess Pat wasn't that far from reality after all.

Funny how life works, isn't it ?

vendredi 18 septembre 2009


- There is still 8 weeks to go before the smurf makes it's appearance.

- I have been eating shepherd's pie for lunch and diner for the last 4 days. I apparently can't get enough of the stuff. Weird.

- We've been attacking and playing with the baby's feet. Hey ! the smurf if attacking my ribs and bladder; I've definitely earned the rights to grab it's feet from time to time.

- I've been having contractions for the past 6 days. Something tells me I'll definitely have an epidural when it's finally time to deliver...

- Speaking of contractions: Moka has been following me everywhere since they first started. Everywhere. Even in the bathroom ! She keeps going into the baby's room and sniff everything and is now sleeping cramped in between a wall and the stroller.

- I've been having the weirdest dreams lately. Last night's ? I was in full on labor and delivered 4 puppies. Hum...

mercredi 9 septembre 2009

Oh oh...

I'm screwed.

I discovered the joy of maternity leggins.

Anything else as magical as those I should know about?

mardi 1 septembre 2009

Really ?

Conversation we had over lunch this weekend:

Guy: I'm positive you'll be having a girl

Bob and I: Really ? How come ??

Guy: Well, women pregnant with girls stay cute. Women expecting boys become butt ugly.

Bob and I: ?????????????

Guy: I'm telling you !

Me, trying to stay focussed: I recall your fiancee is also expecting ! Do you know the gender ?

Guy: Yeah. A boy.


I actually had to leave the table.

He should know by now: don't piss off a pregnant lady. Just don't.

Bob and I happen to actually believe that all pregnant women are beautiful. Each in their own way. Something to do with the glow... and the belly !

vendredi 28 août 2009

I failed...

I failed the GLU tests.

I have Gestational Diabetes.


And me thinking only people putting on a lot a weight were at risk...

mardi 25 août 2009

I know, I know...

Yup ! I've been away for quite some time ! Summer's been quite hectic: Bob had 7 weeks of vacation and we made the most of it. And that meant being away from the computer... which I don't regret for one second ! Well, except... Anyway. (Sorry Audrey...)

So here's what happened since I last posted:

- We'll be having a delivery surprise !

- Apart from a few bedrest episodes, the pregnancy is finally going well ! I am now in my 28th week. The baby is kicking like crazy and the belly is getting huge ! It actually measures 4 weeks ahead... The boobs are also getting ginormous: as in 36G. You read it right: I'm now a size G. Holly crap! I have gained a grand total of 4.5 pounds so far, which I am quite pleased with ! Some people could say that it is by far not enough, but as my OB so gently mentioned, it is not as if I didn't have good fatty reserves before... Ahem...

- We bought a kiddy pool for our backyard. One big enough so I can sit in the pool and have water up to my neck. 'Cause my pregnant self and heat don't go too well together... The pool has some funny drawings on the side:

Which means that babes on all 4 are not allowed in the pool ??

- Seen in the same building, sharing the same entry hall: a daycare center and a XXX club. Am I the only one who's weirded out by this ?

- We bought ourselves an old baby grand piano ! I must admit that we were really in the market for a used apartment piano but this one really caught our eyes and was actually beggin us to please take it home. So we did. And we love it ! Moka isn't so sure about that new big brown thing sitting in the living room though !

- We were lucky enough to find a daycare center. For the ones not familliar with the process of finding a daycare center over here: as there is a governement runned program, available to everyone, allocating spots at $7 / day for daycare, there is usually a waiting list of 18 months, up to 3 years, depending on the area. The ones not fortunate enough to find such a spot have to pay up to $80 / day for the same services. But we did find a daycare center. 5 minutes away from home, starting in September 2010. Right on time for the end of my maternity leave.

We were also fortunate enough to find a familly doctor. Which is almost non-existent over here. Bob asked his doctor, in a leap of faith, if he knew of a pediatrician who could still take on new patients (a rarity over here as well, as the government has legislation on how many patients a physician can take on...). Turns out that, well, his doctor is also doing pediatric ! And just to see how far his luck would go , Bob also asked if, well, he had opening for the me... Turns out that he'll take the whole familly. Phew !

We rock ! Well, Bob rocks, as he's the one who had the guts to ask... ;)

But that lifted a huge weight on my shoulders: we have a daycare center. We have a familly doctor who'll take on the whole familly. Even if we eventually add to it. And I have a OB/GYN who'll take me as a regular patient, as well.

- As we are the last ones to have kids in both our famillies, we were fortunate enough to get a lot of free stuff ! Some people seem to have isues with used furniture and stuff. I definitely don't. Hey ! It's free !! And beside: your baby used it once. It is now, well, used... Same thing. Just a different owner. I made a list of things I though we'd need, called my sisters, and cratched most items from my list as I quickly learned that they were more that happy to get rid of all that baby stuff hanging in their basements! To only thing left to do is to set up the room. But as Bob starts working again this week, I'll have plenty of time to do that !

That, and to update this blog more often...

jeudi 18 juin 2009

About that...

Here's a list of things people should mention before you get pregnant...

- Bed rest: With no internet access. Booo...

- Thirst: I usually drink 12.5 litres of water a day.

- The peeing thing: see thirst.

- Constipation: Enough said.

- Cravings: I need fruits. At all time. And be prepared to hear me whine if I can't get any when I want them.

- Mood swings: Why in hell am I crying while watching 'Say yes to the dress' ? WHY ?? I don't even know these people; why am I caring so much ?? And why am I getting so angry about that ??

- Bionic nose: I can smell weird things miles away. Not kidding.

- Food aversion: The things I couldn't live without before ? Suddenly can't stand them. We're talking about mayo, chocolate and candies here. What's up with that ?

- Belly touchers: Strangers practically attacking your belly and touching it. Why. WHY ????

- Lineups: Had bloodwork done last week. The clinic is open beetwen 6:15am and 9:15am. Thinking we were being smarty pants and that we'd be back in bed by 6:30am, we got there at 6:05am. People were lining up OUTSIDE the building. We'll have to work on a strategy for the next time. Cause a pregnant women with a full bladder and an empty stomach waiting in line to be pocked by needles ? Nobody want's to see that.

Anything else I should add ?

** I must admit: Bob has been a great sport since the beginning of this adventure. And has not complained much about my numerous demands. And the greatest thing is: He asks questions. Talks to the baby. Rubs my feet and puts oil on my belly. Will be co-sleeping with me at the hospital. Has not laught once at my cravings and tries to find what I want, even when I can't even put words to it. And by seeing him be as excited as I am about this whole thing, I know he'll be a great dad.


jeudi 21 mai 2009

The secret is out...

I did it again: I disapeared.

I had this huge secret and couldn't talk about it and didn't know what else to talk about so instead, I just didn't write anything.

I can finally talk about the big secret so here I am !

The big secret ? I am pregnant. In my 14th week.

I didn't know if I'd be comfortable talking about it over here: I fell very protective for some reason. And then there were so many chances for the pregnancy not to stick around that we decided to save ourselves from the hearthache of having to announce to everybody that there wouldn't be a baby after all. We've even waited quite a long time before announcing the big news to our familly and friends. A bit too long actually (Sorry Rachel...).

But then I realized: We actually had less than 0.0003% of ever conceiving. And we did it. And I stayed pregnant. So I should be proud of it. I should even be able to brag about it a little ! I know someone's quite proud of his little guys ! Ahem... Yeah. He likes to brag about it...

My energy level is finally up. I had major morning sickness that actually lasted all day long for 8 weeks. Not fun. I have a newfound respect for women who have to endure that all through pregnancy.

I also have the weirdest cravings ever ! There I was thinking I'd have to fight the urge for Ice Cream, chocolate or anything sugar and little do you know, the smell of them makes me queasy ! I actually salivate and would kill for fruits and tomatoes. I've been eating a cantaloup a day for the past few weeks and eating toasted tomato sandwiches as if my life depended on it.

The belly is already out: some people could argue that I've had a belly all along but this one is actually firm and cute ! That also means the maternity clothes are already out ! Speaking of clothes: What is it with maternity stores that want me to either look like a sex kitten or a tent ? Why can't I just look like my regular self, but with a belly ?

Tell me. Please.

vendredi 20 mars 2009

The Friday Tradition...

I haven't done it in a long, long time so I'll give it a shot...

Here we go:

I am...

- Still slowly losing weight

I want...

- A familly. One day.

I have...

- A great support system.

I hate...

- That there's absolutely no ways of getting a Starbucks Coffee around here.

I fear...

- That I might never have that familly that I want so badly.

I search...

- For that perfect pair of stockings that'll fit perfectly.

I wonder...

- If I'll ever be dept free.

I never...

- Leave the house without nail polish on my toes.

I rarely...

- Say what's really on my mind.

I cry...

- When I'm pissed off or really stressed

I am not always...

- The most politically correct person

I'm confused...

- About my need for gadgets. Really.

I miss...

- Starbucks. Do I need to say more ?

I need...

- To shave my legs more often...

I should...

- Start believing in myself more.

mercredi 11 mars 2009


My teaching contract ended a couple of weeks ago and while waiting fo the next one to start, I've been enjoying some quiet time at home. A bit too much...

I have a confession to make. And a huge one...

I've been playing a housewife since the end of the contract, and well, I'm loving it. Cleaning the house, preparing lunches, making diner and taking care of my man. Oh ! And the laundry ! I've apparently become a laundry fairy and can't seem to get enough of the stuff !! Yes, Bob likes to make fun of me about it.

The funiest thing is: I used to be the most independant and messiest person ever ! And I now seem to take proud of the cleanliness of my house and in making sure everything is in order before my man comes back home. Weird.

I think the lack of Starbucks is finally getting to me...

lundi 9 mars 2009


I know, I know... I kinda dispeared from the face of the earth.

This might be the reason:

Don't get the wrong idea though: it is not an engagement ring. There won't be any wedding planning going on. But it is a ring. On that important finger. And I can't seem to be able to look away from it. Yes, you are allowed to call me dorky.

That ring also helps me put things in perspectives, at moment where I would rather just abandon ship and go far, far away. No, things are not always perfect. I don't think there is such a thing as a perfect relationship anyway. But then I look at that ring and remind myself that, even though it doesn't always look like it, that the person who gaved me that ring loves me. Really. It is up to me to see past the angriness or the sadness and reming myself of that.

Not always easy though...

mercredi 14 janvier 2009

About that...

It is freaking - 39 C (or -38.9 F) outside.
Holly crap...

lundi 12 janvier 2009


We just did our first major purchase as a couple: an upright freezer.
Most couples would either buy a couch or a bed frame as a first purchase.
We bought a freezer big enough to fit a body.

Meet William !

Please meet my new nephew: William !!
Only a couple of minutes old and he's already photogenic...

mardi 6 janvier 2009

What I didn't blog about...

What I didn't blog about...
A lot of things, I know. I've been totally swomped with the new job and the new house, which left me little to no time to blog, even to update my familly and friends...
- I am loving the new job, even more than I expected. I am thrilled ! So thrilled that I have decided to go back to school, part time, and get a teaching certificate...
- Moka is doing so much better at the new place. She's even developping a new personnality ! And is totally having a love affair with Bob... She is now jealous of me. Following him everywhere, crying when he's out of reach, and totally puring and drooling when he's scratching her belly. Totally hilarious !
- I've been suffering from a chalk induced cold for the past month. And I said I wanted to be a teacher ?
- I've lost almost 40 pounds since last winter. Yay ! In order to save some money (well, a lot actually...) I've proceeded to alter my old clothes. My sewing machine is getting some good milleage ! I've taken 9 inches from an old shirt... Yay me ! 40 more pounds to go...
- I've put in action the saying: when in a relationship, one must choose it's battles wisely. Great. So he couldn't care less about the xmas tree and would rather take his eyeballs out with a fork rather than helping putting it together ? Fine ! Than he"s definitely not allowed to complain and bitch about it !! 
- We broke something over the holidays. The ones that know me personnaly won't be surprised at all it happened...
One of the many reasons I haven't been blogging lately is that Bob doesn't like the idea of a blog. I can understand his reasons and totally respect his opinion. The thing is; since we live together and work together, that leaves me with not much to blog about...