vendredi 30 novembre 2007

Construction update...

My mom is still keeping an eye on the construction progress of her new place... The reception area is done and there's even furniture in ! Looking quite fancy so far.

jeudi 29 novembre 2007


Moka's new favorite snack ?

Shampoo. She has stolen and eaten 2 bottles so far.

I swear I am feeding her !!

mercredi 28 novembre 2007

Happy Birthday Mrs. T !!

I work in a office that likes practical jokes and big celebration. We just couldn't quiet the receptionist's birthday ! Her entire desk was also covered with tacky plastic flowers and confettis.

WE had a blast...

mardi 27 novembre 2007

Lost in translation...

Funny things happens when you work in a bilingual office. People get tired or stressed and seem to be loosing their words...

Heard over the last few weeks:

- Doing a toast : "Up yours !!"

- Talking about a new desk: "They finally installed my new intimacy panel !"

- About Christmas decorations: "I love my balls !!"

- Talking about a chipped tooth: "My thong hurts now !"

- About the stock boy: "Where's my stalker ?"

- Looking at documents: "We need to run a queer hey !"

- About the big crowd outside the office: "I'll just whack them off with my thing!"

- While eating chicken: "This cock is delicious !!"

How about you; any quotes that were lost in translation ?

lundi 26 novembre 2007

Wish list...

To the ones that were asking or wondering what to get me for Christmas ? (I know, I'm getting a bit old to be that excited about that big commercial Holiday...)

Here's the only thing that matters this year :

THE shoes.

I swear I've been really good this year !!

dimanche 25 novembre 2007

Oh! Yes I did !!

I just couldn't wait any longer and made my Christmass tree last night...

And I am not to be held responsible for it: the Cremant made me do it !

samedi 24 novembre 2007

Because I can...

I had a slow Saturday ; Watched old and tacky movies, cleaned a bit... and opened the best bottle of Cremant.

I somehow slept really well !! Ahem...

vendredi 23 novembre 2007

yeah... About that...

Being a good girl, I wrote down my wish list on the white board at work ; task that we obviously take very seriously in the office...

Being my funny self, I wrote down: Surprise, Edible Surprise, Drinkable Surprise.

Yeah... Some perverted coworkers couldn't help but notice the Edible one...

jeudi 22 novembre 2007


I know some of you will be very jealous of this...

And I really mean it !

Moka and I spent 2 hours playing in the snow and I'm still not clear on who had the most fun...

mercredi 21 novembre 2007


What happens when you leave an old dog alone for too long ? The dog will eventually find a way to steal a can a fruit and eat it.


I spent about an hour looking in her mouth for open sores or something but in the end she was fine. I then felt so guilty that I went and bought her the biggest bone I could find...

mardi 20 novembre 2007



XXX 1/2

lundi 19 novembre 2007


I wasn't feeling well today and decided to treat myself with a Starbucks coffee. I quietly sat on the couch and cherished that thing. When I was putting my coat on and ready to leave, I realized I had chocolate smeared all over my white coat. I went and spoke to the manager who announce : "Woopsie ! Better clean that couch !" And disappeared...

What about ME ??

I wasn't expecting a front page apology but a free coffee while waiting for the Laundromat to do its magic would have been nice.

I should have stayed in bed.

dimanche 18 novembre 2007


I was giving a theme concert this afternoon. I never understood the concept; I know they are suppose to appeal to more people and attract a different crowd but I just don't see why wearing a colorful costume with accessories would sell more tickets. But then again, for the first time ever , we had a full house. 900 tickets were sold...

samedi 17 novembre 2007


I was away for the weekend to do a concert and had dinner with some friends in the mean time ; I think I only miss the old city because of them. We had a great time, as usual...

The evening had a rough start tough ; it involved a pissed bakery employee giving us a tour of her shop while refusing to sell anything, but asking if we'd like to see their pamphlets... In the end, we got our wine, excellent sushi and great company.

And just because he asked for it : Here's JF eating some blue cheese after 20 pieces of sushi... Yeah, the wine was taking its toll !

vendredi 16 novembre 2007

I know you're jealous...

Just so you people down south feel a bit jealous...

I experienced my first storm of the season on my way to a rehearsal today!

jeudi 15 novembre 2007

Going nuts...

We had a very, very long day...

Can't you tell ?

mercredi 14 novembre 2007

Because the fortune cookie said so...

In my fortune cookie tonight ? "You will soon win the big prize".

Wow ! They mean that, real soon, I will meet my future rich husband ?

mardi 13 novembre 2007

Please knock on the door...

My office doesn't have a door. And for some very stupid reasons. We've moved into our new building almost 4 months ago and I am still upset about it. Doesn't mean I can't make fun of it thought...

lundi 12 novembre 2007

It's all about the walls...

My mom will be moving in a new centre in May and is quite excited about it. The centre is still under construction and she will be one of the first residents to move in. But she is so excited about it that she's been following the construction almost on a daily basis. I am glad to announce that the walls are up...

dimanche 11 novembre 2007

Happy times...

N. and me almost 10 years ago...

I had diner at my favorite cousin's tonight. He and his wife make the perfect team and they have the cutest little girl! That kid is a genius ; at 20 months, she can sing the alphabet song, recognize letters and knows her numbers. And gives the greatest hugs. And she's going to be a big sister next summer...

Congratulations N and M-J !!!!!


samedi 10 novembre 2007

Almost there...

I've been driving back and forth between 2 cities for the past few weekends. A 4 1/2 hours drive that can seem forever at 2 o'clock in the morning. But my mom would be very proud to know that even though I'm taking pictures while driving, I am not speeding...

vendredi 9 novembre 2007


Please meet my new favorite drink:¸the Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha.

I'd be willing to do many, many things in order to get one. They are that good.

How about you : what has been your favorite treat lately ?

jeudi 8 novembre 2007

Yep, that time of the year again...

Some people change their makeup palette with the seasons; I change my hair color.

How about you : Any special ritual ?

mercredi 7 novembre 2007

Yep; that time of the year again.

I just hate this type of weather: freezing cold but no snow yet to justify it...

mardi 6 novembre 2007


I don't have a good excuse for this one...

Except that I've been working very long hours and travelling a lot latelly. That should be a good answer, right ?

lundi 5 novembre 2007

Here we go again...

My twin sister was recently diagnosed with cancer in the breast. A very mild form of cancer and something very treatable ; chances of recovery are 100%. But still...

I took an appointment this morning to get screened. Breasts are a very touchy subject in our family and with our history, there are no chances to be taken.

We are also transfusion-to-transfusion identical twins ; we shared the same umbilical cord, therefore have the same DNA. If one twin gets something, the other one will inevitably get it. How fun !!

Gleevec party anyone ?

dimanche 4 novembre 2007


I drove 10 hours since Friday night. I'm pretty exhausted (and so is Moka). Surfing the web while listening to some great tunes and drinking a very cold beer is the only way to go for tonight...

samedi 3 novembre 2007


The best remedy after a 6 hours rehearsal ? Many, many jello shots shared between 2 friends...

vendredi 2 novembre 2007

The view...

Walking to and from work every day, I had never paid much attention to my surrounding. Until today. Pretty amazing view, don't you think ?

jeudi 1 novembre 2007

Now you know...

I've been feeling quite uninspired lately. I am probably too tired to think about anything intelligent to say. So in order to kick my own butt, I've decided to post daily pictures for the whole month of November. Let's see how it goes...

Chilling out after a rehearsal... Christa and her train !

I just love the face on that guy beside her; he looks totally scared of those wagons !!